Research Laboratories

The Cognitive Radio Group is interested in working to advance cognitive radio technology. The group produces numerous journal and conference publications.
The Communication and Information Sciences Laboratory at the UNM Electrical and Computer Engineering department is dedicated to research in all aspects of information storage, processing and transmission.
Reachability analysis is powerful in its ability to provide assurances of safety despite bounded control authority and disturbances. We investgate techniques to improve the computational cost for certain classes of systems.
The Image and Video Processing and Communication Laboratory works on research and publications dealing with image and video processing technology for a variety of uses including medical ultrasound images.

Integrated Circuits - Hardware Analysis Lab is completely dedicated to hardware based analysis in the following research fields, Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (Hardware Trojan Detection Strategies, Physical Unclonable Functions), Design For Manufacturability, Defect Based Test, and FPGA and Hardware/Software Codesign based acceleration

MIALAB, headed by Dr. Vince Calhoun, focuses on developing and optimizing methods and software for quantitative analysis of structure and function in medical images with particular focus on the study of psychiatric illness. We work with many types of data, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), electroencephalography (EEG), structural imaging and genetic data.

Much of our time is spent working on new methods for flexible analysis of brain imaging data. The use of data driven approaches is very useful for extracting potentially unpredictable patterns within these data. However such methods can be further improved by incorporating additional prior information as constraints, in order to benefit from what we know. To this end, we draw heavily from the areas of image processing, adaptive signal processing, estimation theory, neural networks, statistical signal processing, and pattern recognition.

The MARHES Laboratory is interested in pursuing research related to both terrestrial and aeronautic robotics.

PSET laboratory focuses on the development of emerging technologies in electric power grids. PSET’s research areas include Microgrid/Smartgrid control, grid modernization, grid integration of renewable energy resources, and power Systems protection and control.

PSET webpage:

The Pulsed Power, Beams and Microwaves Laboratory is a 4100 square foot facility located in Lower Level 2 of the ECE Building on the UNM main campus. This facility evolved from the Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Laboratory, founded in 1989 by Professor Edl Schamiloglu, to establish a program for research and education in plasma science, particularly pulsed power and intense beam-driven devices. The Pulsed Power, Beams and Microwaves Laboratory is a state-of-the-art facility that supports the research activities of two faculty in applied electromagnetics, Professors Mark Gilmore and Edl Schamiloglu, and associated research faculty and graduate students.